Osteoporosis is a bone disease characterized by low bone mineral density and deterioration of the bone tissue. This leads to an increased risk of bone fractures, especially in the hip, spine, and wrist.
Some key facts about osteoporosis:
The underlying mechanism of osteoporosis involves an imbalance in bone remodeling. Normally, our bones are constantly being broken down and rebuilt in a balanced process mediated by cells called osteoclasts and osteoblasts. In osteoporosis, the osteoclasts break down bone faster than the osteoblasts can rebuild it.
Diagnosis involves assessing bone mineral density using a DXA scan. This painless scan can precisely determine bone density and fracture risk.
If diagnosed with osteoporosis, it's important to take action to prevent disabling fractures. Lifestyle changes like weight-bearing exercise, not smoking, and calcium/vitamin D supplementation can help. But many patients also need prescription treatment like bisphosphonates or hormone therapy to rebuild bone.
This is where New Beginnings HRT Clinic can help! Our caring physicians specialize in hormone balance to promote bone health. We provide personalized bioidentical hormone therapy to replace depleted hormones like estrogen. Restoring hormones to optimal levels helps stimulate osteoblasts to grow strong, resilient bones. Contact us today to learn more about our osteoporosis treatment programs. We'll help you take control of your bone health so you can keep living life to the fullest!
In summary, osteoporosis is a prevalent bone disease leading to fractures and disability. It often results from hormonal changes that disrupt normal bone remodeling. With early diagnosis, lifestyle changes, and advanced hormone treatments from clinics like New Beginnings HRT Clinic, the progression of osteoporosis can be slowed or reversed. Don't wait for a fracture - take action to build stronger bones now!