Estrogen dominance - New Beginnings HRT Clinic

What is estrogen dominance?

Estrogen dominance refers to a condition where a woman has excess estrogens circulating in her body, often related to low levels of progesterone. This hormonal imbalance can lead to various symptoms like weight gain, fatigue, mood changes, and irregular periods.

Some key things to know about estrogen dominance:

Excess estrogens can build up due to several factors like diet, environment, stress, poor liver function, and health conditions. Some common causes include:

Signs of high estrogen relative to progesterone include:

Those more prone to estrogen dominance include women:

Over 35 years old With excess body fat Who have used birth control long-term With high alcohol/toxin intake With family history of hormonal issues

To treat and prevent estrogen dominance, interventions aim to rebalance hormones through diet, supplements, detox methods and managing stress levels. Careful monitoring of symptoms, labs, and adjusting treatments is key.

I recommend my patients try combined approaches like:

The integrative medicine doctors at New Beginnings HRT Clinic specialize in customized treatments to help women rebalance their estrogen levels and relieve difficult symptoms through natural, safe protocols. We take time to uncover the root causes and find the optimal solution for your unique hormonal situation. Learn more at ]().

I hope this overview gives you a good understanding of what contributes to and defines estrogen dominance. While frustrating, this condition is very treatable through personalized therapeutic approaches that balance hormones holistically. Let me know if you have any other questions!

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